Everything You Need to Know About Organic Agave

September 03 , 2020
All about Organic Agave

It goes without saying that people have become more health-conscious than before and anything that is consumed is first eyed with suspicion. Foods that score well on the health parameters but do not gift calories to your body are ideal ones. Among the many things that we eat every day, sugar is one such item that cannot be completely avoided. In fact, the average American consumes 80-110 grams of added sugar per day, and having excessive sugar is certainly bad for you. So, what’s the alternative to sugar? Enter organic agave! According to a report by Mintel, 84% of adults are conscious of sugar intake and have decided to limit it. Agave nectar is considered to be a healthier alternative to sugar, honey, and other chemically derived sweeteners.

In this blog, we shall discuss:

What is Organic Agave?

Agave is actually a group of succulent plants that grow in a warm climate. It is this same plant that is used to produce tequila as well. Hence, it is found in abundance in Mexico and the southwestern United States. The sap of this plant is extracted to make agave syrup or nectar, the most common natural substitute to sugar. Agave if it is 100% natural and doesn’t contain any additive or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), it is called organic agave. Popular as an all-natural and diabetic-friendly sweetener, organic agave has a low glycemic index and reduced calorie count.

Physical properties


Depending on the processing duration, organic agave nectar comes in a range of colors like light, amber, dark, and raw. There’s a reason why agave nectar is available in various colors.
Raw organic agave nectar has a sweet flavor and is prepared at temperatures below 115 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the perfect fit for the health-conscious group.
The lighter version of organic agave nectar has a neutral flavor and can be used in preparing coffee, tea, baked foods, smoothies, fruit drinks, ice creams and yogurts without changing their original flavors. On the other hand, sweeteners like honey or barley syrup alter the real taste, making it sweeter than before.
The amber and dark variants impart the delicious taste of agave nectar in greater intensity. While the amber grade can make your tea, hot cereals, protein drinks, baked foods, waffles and other foods taste more flavorful, a small amount of the darker grade is enough to offer the rich flavor and color of agave in spaghetti, meat glazes and stews.


The taste of organic agave nectar also varies according to its color. While you can feel the mild, neutral taste of light agave nectar, get ready for a caramel flavor in moderate-intensity if you are using amber agave nectar. Should you be looking for a more specific and strong caramel taste, dark agave nectar is the best choice.


Organic agave nectar can have either a viscous or smooth watery texture. And this is the reason why it gets dissolved easily!


Only 2.25 teaspoons of agave nectar is needed to make hot or cold beverages like tea, cappuccino, smoothies, shakes, frozen drinks and cocktails more delicious than before.

It also easily blends with cooked and raw foods. Pour organic agave nectar over waffles, pancakes, salad dressings and toppings. To create the perfect contrasting flavor, you can also add it to spicy dishes and enhance the overall taste.

A ¾ cup of organic agave nectar is sufficient to add appropriate sweetness, moisture and solubility to baked foods like bread, cakes and cookies. What’s more? It also keeps your baked desserts fluffy and fresh for a longer time!

Health benefits

Organic agave nectar is undoubtedly healthy and the main reason is due to its low glycemic index (GI). While table sugar has a GI of 65, Canadian maple syrup has 54 and 58 for pure honey, agave nectar has only 13 as its GI. When choosing a sweetener, considering the GI is important because it measures how quickly it spikes the blood sugar level. The lower the GI, the better it is as it decreases the chance of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Besides, organic agave nectar is also a popular choice for those who are following a weight loss plan because of its lesser calorie count compared to table sugar.


Organic agave nectar is a natural sweetener derived from agave plants. It has been used as a flavor enhancer as well as a natural remedy for many centuries and doesn’t contain any artificial additives, sweetening agents or high fructose corn syrup. With a mild flavor and moderate consistency, organic agave nectar is vegan friendly, has a low glycemic index and contains minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. As a consequence, unlike other sweeteners that trigger dental problems like cavities, organic agave nectar doesn’t harm your dental health. To know more about our organic agave nectar products, reach us on www.nectave.com

  • September 03 , 2020
  • Matt

Tags :  Agave  all about Organic Agave  Organic Agave

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